
Kevin Yongo is an Agricultural Economist with a wide range of experience across the agricultural space. He holds a BSc. Agriculture (Agricultural Economics Major) from the University of Nairobi and an ongoing MSc. Entrepreneurship at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agricultural Technology (JKUAT).

He currently works as a field Officer at The Netherlands Development Organization-SNV, a position he has held since November 2022 with responsibilities on partners advisory, partner coordination and financial management.

His experience spans over 10 years and includes implementing projects on Entrepreneurship, Capacity Building, Dairy Ventures, Horticulture, Bee Keeping and Agricultural trade.

He has implemented various projects including the WB funded Kenya Agricultural Productivity & Agribusiness Project (KAPAP), enhancing Farmer Entrepreneurship in Development, and Agriterra, Kenya Crops and Dairy Markets Systems (KCDMS) funded by USAID Feed the Future project.

He has initiated a dairy project supporting over 2000 farmers to access services ranging from Acquisition of Dairy Cows, Artificial Insemination, Improved fodder availabilty and access, access to milk and fodder markets.